Looking for that perfect lawn? Try our Professional Lawn Treatment Service from our licensed greenkeepers

Our specialist knowledge of lawn management means we can take on lawns that are failing and transform them into a lush, green and beautiful space to be proud of. To book a FREE lawn analysis and treatment plan quotation call 0151 336 8911.

Our complete year round programme will ensure your lawn stays looking as good as the day it was laid.

Spring Treatment
We will apply a fertiliser high in nitrogen to get your lawn off to a flying start after the wet cold winter. Presence of moss checked and action taken if required; overseeding any bare patches, e.g. from animal damage; a herbicide treatment to check weeds, daisies, buttercups and plantain.

Summer Treatment
An application of slow release fertiliser containing phosphate and potash to look after the root zone and keep it free of disease. This also encourages the grass to tiller, i.e. spread out and thicken, throwing out runners. Further attention is given to broad leaf weeds and any newly germinated ones.

Late Summer Treatment
A further application of fertiliser to boost tillering, encouraging rhizomes below the surface and stolons above, and to keep an even colour to your lawn. A check on stress levels, burnt patches, sun spots (due to drought or hot summer). Advice on overseeding, or patching with turf if severe. Apply herbicide treatment.

Autumn / Winter
Liquid seaweed feed applied, strengthening the root zone to enable it to pick up food and nutrients during the cooler months ahead. A check on moss and fungi, etc. and treatment ahead, if necessary.

David Lea Jones, Queensferry, N. Wales said:
I ordered the Economic grade and it was very healthy indeed.   After one week there is no evidence of any weeds and it appears to be growing well. 

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The Crows Nest, Chester High Road, Neston, Wirral. CH64 3TE

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