Buy top quality turf & top soil direct from the grower at Wirral Turf

We supply or supply and lay fresh cut home grown turf and high grade top soil, to your door. Our prices are extremely competitive and we aim to deliver within 24 hours of ordering. See options below. To place an order call us direct on 0151 336 8911.

Olympic Grade
This is our prestige purpose grown turf containing dwarf growing grasses such as rye, fescue and bent, that help to create it's dense sward like appearance. Suitable for a high quality family lawn, sports fields and golf courses. It is shade and drought resistant with high wear tolerance, so ideal for children and pets. By far our most popular and excellent value for money.  Can be mown down to 3/4 inch.  All turf comes pre fertilised and weed treated and is suitable for laying throughout the year. 

Economy Grade
This general amenity purpose grown turf is more commonly used by builders and developers on larger landscaping projects, but can also be used for a general  family lawn if economy is the key.   Containing a mixture of the dwarf growing grasses rye, fescue and bent, it can be mown down to 3/4 inch.  All turf comes pre fertilised and weed treated and is suitable for laying throughout the year.   

Grade A Premium Top Soil & Screened Top Soil 
Our Grade A Premium Topsoil is high in nutrients making it the best choice for vegetable and fruit gardens.
Our Screened Top Soil is ideal for seeding, light planting, turfing, and general landscaping.  


Sarah and Jake Gillingham, Ewloe, N. Wales said:
Excellent prices, simple website and our turf arrived the following morning.  Really great service, would highly recommend.

Contact Us

© 2015 Wirral Turf Limited

The Crows Nest, Chester High Road, Neston, Wirral. CH64 3TE

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